
Friday 17 June 2011

Zen and Art of Taiwanese Pork Feet/萬巒豬腳攻略(更新:20110617熊家)

Zen and Art of Taiwanese Pork Feet/萬巒豬腳攻略

From Chaozhou to Wanluan, the first thing I noticed was the size of the sign matching their reputation, boasting their pork feet. The entire main street of the town is dedicated to the sale of pork feet.


  1. Take Out: Unless you are too hungry to eat somewhere else, order take out,and enjoy it at another place.
    Like revenge, Wangluan Pork Feet is a dish best served cold. Obviously, this place is a tourist trap. Their Hakka noodle is even $5 more expensive than in the city of Kaohsiung.
  2. Haihong is the brand: They are the most famous restaurant in the neibourhood, for the patronage of an ex president. This is my favourite for old time's sake. On the other hand, other restaurants have also survived the test of time and steep competition. I have also sampled Lin's, whom has won the preference from my woman. They are very similar to Haihong. Hihong's business is much better than Lin's. I would recommend to support a healthy competition. Personally, I do not think Xiong's is any where close to the level of the other two. Xiong's won its fame because a TV series shot some scenes on their site, not because of the taste of their pork.
  3. Cold or Warm: Restaurants place pork feet in front of their restaurants. If you are leaving in a car, I would recommend the warm ones, for obvious freshness. If you have got only two wheels, I would recommend otherwise. If you seal the bags of warm pork feet, it gets spoiled very quickly. If leave the bags open, you will be eating dirts later.







  1. 外帶:除非餓昏頭了,否則建議帶回家享用。
  2. 海鴻:萬巒豬腳,最出名的是海鴻飯店,只因爲當年蔣經國到這裏耗過菇。當年零北就因此上他家。因爲先入爲主,加上懷舊情懷,至今偏好這家。但反過來想想:豬腳一條街就這麼長,就只剩那麼幾家字號。能存活至今而不被淘汰的,都有兩把刷子。最近常去潮州訪友。試了林家豬腳。選林家是因爲她們有上雅虎賣。如果沒有三兩三,上網肯定被罵翻。一試,果然跟海鴻很像。我的女人還覺得林家要好吃些。總之是在伯仲之間。海鴻生意明顯比林家好。給他們留個競爭對手,可以預防店大欺客。個人與女人都覺得熊家的與海鴻、林家有段距離。熊家的較油膩,沾醬較稀、酸,蒜味較淡。而且個人對熊家的印象較差。選購時,會添零碎肉增重。熊家會出名,主要是因爲有連續劇去他們家取景。不像海鴻、林家,真是憑豬腳出名。熊家的豬腳較酥爛。對零北而言是少了咬勁,但若是買給老人家品嚐,仍然值得考慮。
  3. 冷熱:店家都把豬腳放在門口的盆子裏。一方面給客人挑,一方面是放涼。如果您開車,可以考慮拿熱的,新鮮;如果您是風火輪,那建議拿冷的。拿熱的袋子不能封口:會臭酸。不封口騎風火輪,回家就等著吃灰塵。

Since 21/05/11:
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