
Wednesday 28 September 2011







警毀車輪旗 反護五星旗-完整版











Tu cosa fai stasera translation- Just Show Me How To Love You - Sarah Brightman & José Cura

Tu cosa fai stasera?
Rimani ancora un pò
sarà quest' atmosfera
ma non mi dire di no

What are you doing this evening ?
Stay here a little longer
This atmosphere must be it
But don't say "no" to me!

Per farti prigioniero
qualcosa inventerò
ma che bisogno c'era
di amarti subito un pò

To hold you my prisoner
I will invent something
But what is the need
To suddenly love you a bit ?

Questo giorno è una pazzia
ma la luna è amica mia
se ti resta un sogno da buttare via
soli in mezzo a una città
Solo amici e poi chissà

What a crazy day today is
But the moon is my friend
If you still have a dream left to throw away
Us alone in the middle of a city
Just friends and then who knows?

Poi non basta mai
tante cose da dirsi
E baciarsi e capirsi e stringersi
poi non basta mai
si fa tardi ma dai
dove corri a quest'ora?

But in the end it is never enough
With so many things to confess
And kissing and understanding and holding tight
But in the end it is never enough
And it's late but so what?
Where are you rushing to at such an hour like this?

Just show me how to love you
Io non ti lascio più
gabbiano di scogliera,
io sto, una favola, e tu?

Just show me how to love you
Just show me how to love you
I won't ever leave you again
A seagull of the rocks,
I am, a fairy tale, and you?
Just show me how to love you :)

Fame o febbre o quel che sia
mi ci sento a casa mia
dentro questo sogno da buttare via
non mi sembra vero ma
sembra un'altra la città

Fame or fever or whatever
I feel like home
Within this dream just good to throw away
This doesn't seem true to me but
Seems like another city

E non basta mai
tante cose da dirsi
E baciarsi e capirsi e stringersi
E non basta mai
è già tardi ma dai
dove torni a quest'ora?

And it's never enough
With so much to tell
And kissing and understanding and holding tight
And it's never enough
And it's already late but
Where are you turning to at this hour?

Just show me how to love you
E ci ridiamo su
gabbiano di scogliera
ma dov'êri nascosto'
dov'êri finora?

Just show me how to love you
And at it we will laugh
Seagull of the rocks
But where have you been hiding
Hiding until now?

Tu cosa fai stasera?
Ci ridiamo su
magari un'altra sera
ed è già domattina
e la luna la spegni tu!

What are you doing this evening ?
We'll laugh at it
Perhaps another evening
And it's already morning*
And the moon, you switch it off! **

*Literally tomorrow morning
** Emphasise that: It's the other's duty to switch off the moon -- the light because now it's tomorrow morning but it's still quite early ;)

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Monday 26 September 2011




筆者向來相信身爲一個現代公民,必須「國事、家事、天下事:事事關心」;政治既然是「管理衆人的事」,那麼認爲政治「干我P事」的人,除非他沒有選舉權,否則肯定是被洗殘腦的笨蛋。但是筆者不同意「魏導 這話怪怪的」一文的論點。民主政治是專家政治:分工合作,各司其職,「不在其位,不謀其政」。捍衛主權、維護國格從什麼時候開始變成了「導演」、「運動選手」的職責了?



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心黑 目白 中國貨









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心黑 目白 中國貨









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Thursday 22 September 2011

轉載:Seediq Bale Ringtone Download/賽德克‧巴萊之看見彩虹手機鈴聲下載

Seediq Bale Ringtone Download/手機鈴聲下載:
  1. 要驕傲得像個真正的賽德克:[ring-duoi-snkuuro-Seediq-kndesan-namu.mp3]
  2. 看見彩虹:[ring-taanKaIdas.mp3]

Seediq Bale Ringtone for SMS Download/簡訊手機鈴聲下載:
  1. 我們該上路了:[ring-maha-ta-da.mp3]
  2. 看見彩虹:[ring-msg-taanKaIdas-short.mp3]

賽德克‧巴萊之看見彩虹 七分鐘完整版電影原聲帶MV大首播:


◎ 敏洪奎







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Friday 16 September 2011

Celebration of Mid Autumn Festival in Formosa

Thai Dance Performed by New Formosan from Thailand:

Vietnamese Dance Performed by New Formosan from Vietnam:

Chinese Dance Performed by Formosan:

Middle Eastern Belly Dance Performed by New Formosan from Indonesia:

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Friday 9 September 2011









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Since 2011-09-07 23:40:
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Since 2011-09-07 23:40:
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Thursday 8 September 2011







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Tuesday 6 September 2011

















12月13日的《揚子晚報 》報導,無業遊民、整天在麻將館裏混日子的騙子俞某竟然冒充法院副庭長,以幫市民曹女士打官司為由收取好處費。可是,作為一個“法院的副庭長”,他卻對送的東西來者不拒,甚至有一次曹女士提出送一點自家醃制的香腸,俞某都照單全收。曹女士因此產生懷疑報了警。


第一個例子,“副庭長”連區區香腸都想貪,結果香腸未到口,人先進監獄;第二個例子,不識酒店旋轉門,一個跟頭現原形,“副廳長”騙色未遂被拘留。兩個騙子 漏餡,看似問題都出在雞毛蒜皮的小細節上,其實問題的實質卻是——他們根本不具備領導幹部的素質!你想啊,能幫人打官司的堂堂“副庭長”,收錢還來不及 呢,怎麼可能把一點點香腸看到眼裏呢?如此小家子氣,哪有一點領導的“寬廣胸懷”!省裏來的堂堂“副廳長”,應該經常出入賓館酒樓等高檔場所,怎麼可能連 一個普通的旋轉門都沒見過呢?也太老土了吧,哪有一點領導“酒經考驗”、見多識廣的派頭呀!


最後,我再來傳授大家幾個絕招,保證一下子 就能讓假領導現出原形。
其二,請他去娛樂場所瀟灑,如果他既不會唱、又不會跳,還不知道 怎樣跟陪舞小姐調笑,基本就是冒牌貨;
其四,向他請教“ 把手搭到未成年女童肩上”的行為該如何定性。如果他笑嘻嘻地說“這是表達善意和謝意”,那麼他就是真領導,甚至還有可能是“北京XXX派下來的”高官。如果他大驚失色喊:“這是流氓行為啊!”那他就可能是假領導……




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12月13日的《揚子晚報 》報導,無業遊民、整天在麻將館裏混日子的騙子俞某竟然冒充法院副庭長,以幫市民曹女士打官司為由收取好處費。可是,作為一個“法院的副庭長”,他卻對送的東西來者不拒,甚至有一次曹女士提出送一點自家醃制的香腸,俞某都照單全收。曹女士因此產生懷疑報了警。


第一個例子,“副庭長”連區區香腸都想貪,結果香腸未到口,人先進監獄;第二個例子,不識酒店旋轉門,一個跟頭現原形,“副廳長”騙色未遂被拘留。兩個騙子 漏餡,看似問題都出在雞毛蒜皮的小細節上,其實問題的實質卻是——他們根本不具備領導幹部的素質!你想啊,能幫人打官司的堂堂“副庭長”,收錢還來不及 呢,怎麼可能把一點點香腸看到眼裏呢?如此小家子氣,哪有一點領導的“寬廣胸懷”!省裏來的堂堂“副廳長”,應該經常出入賓館酒樓等高檔場所,怎麼可能連 一個普通的旋轉門都沒見過呢?也太老土了吧,哪有一點領導“酒經考驗”、見多識廣的派頭呀!


最後,我再來傳授大家幾個絕招,保證一下子 就能讓假領導現出原形。
其二,請他去娛樂場所瀟灑,如果他既不會唱、又不會跳,還不知道 怎樣跟陪舞小姐調笑,基本就是冒牌貨;
其四,向他請教“ 把手搭到未成年女童肩上”的行為該如何定性。如果他笑嘻嘻地說“這是表達善意和謝意”,那麼他就是真領導,甚至還有可能是“北京XXX派下來的”高官。如果他大驚失色喊:“這是流氓行為啊!”那他就可能是假領導……




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Sunday 4 September 2011

Vietnamese V Sign/越南二指禪

Vietnamese V Sign/越南二指禪

As the number of Vietnamese immigrants increases in Taiwan, there are sometimes scary scenes in addition to enrichment of local culture/來自越南的新臺灣人越來越多。在欣賞越南特色之餘,有時也會碰上觸目驚心的場面:



I do not think they know the meaning of this gesture.

-- Source Credit

According to Wikipedia:

V sign as an insult

The insulting version of the gesture (with the palm inwards) is often compared to the offensive gesture known as "the finger". The "two-fingered salute", also known as "The Longbowman Salute", "the two" and as "The Tongs" in the West of Scotland and "the forks" in Australia,[6] is commonly performed by flicking the V upwards from wrist or elbow. The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England,[7] and later in the rest of the United Kingdom; however, this is quite untrue in America where it is used as a peace symbol; its use is largely restricted to the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.[1] It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.[8]
As an example of the V sign (palm inward) as an insult, on November 1, 1990, The Sun, a British tabloid, ran an article on its front page with the headline "Up Yours, Delors" next to a large hand making a V sign protruding from a Union flag cuff. The Sun urged its readers to stick two fingers up at then President of the European Commission Jacques Delors, who had advocated an EU central government. The article attracted a number of complaints about its alleged racism, but the now defunct Press Council rejected the complaints after the editor of The Sun stated that the paper reserved the right to use vulgar abuse in the interests of Britain.[9][10]
For a time in the UK, "a Harvey (Smith)" became a way of describing the insulting version of the V sign, much as "the word of Cambronne" is used in France, or "the Trudeau salute" is used to describe theone-fingered salute in Canada. This happened because, in 1971, show-jumper Harvey Smith was disqualified for making a televised V sign to the judges after winning the British Show Jumping Derby atHickstead. (His win was reinstated two days later.)[11]
Harvey Smith pleaded that he was simply using a Victory sign, a defence also used by other figures in the public eye.[12] Sometimes foreigners visiting the countries mentioned above use the "two-fingered salute" without knowing it is offensive to the natives, for example when ordering two beers in a noisy pub, or in the case of the United States president George H. W. Bush, who, while touring Australia in 1992, attempted to give a "peace sign" to a group of farmers in Canberra—who were protesting about U.S. farm subsidies—and instead gave the insulting V sign.[13]
Also, in the opening credits for a number of seasons of Buffy the Vampire SlayerSpike, who is British, is shown using the V sign as an insult to Xander Harris in a scene from the episode Hush.
On April 3, 2009, Scottish football players Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor were permanently banned from the Scottish national squad for showing the V sign while sitting on the bench during the game against Iceland. Both players were in their hotel bar drinking alcohol after the Scottish defeat to Holland until around 11 am the next morning, meaning that both of the players breached the SFA discipline code before the incident as well, but the attitude shown by the V sign was considered to be so rude that the SFA decided never to include these players in the national line-up again.[14][15] Ferguson also lost the captaincy of Rangers as a result of the controversy.[16]
Steve McQueen the late American actor gives a British (knuckles outward) V sign in the closing scene in 1970s motorsport movie 'Le Mans'. A still picture of the gesture was also recorded by photographer Nigel Snowdon and has become an iconic image of both McQueen and the 24 hours of Le Mans.
Eric Young a TV news anchor in New Zealand was accidentally broadcast flashing the V sign to a producer off screen after a report on a Rugby match between Auckland and Counties Manukau.[17][18]


An early recorded use of the "two-fingered salute" is in the Macclesfield Psalter of c.1330 (in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge), being made by a glove in the Psalter’s marginalia.[7]
According to a popular legend, the two-fingered salute or V sign derives from the gestures of longbowmen fighting in the English army at the Battle of Agincourt (1415) during the Hundred Years' War.[7][19]According to the story, the French claimed that they would cut off the arrow-shooting fingers of all the English and Welsh longbowmen after they had won the battle at Agincourt.[20] But the English came out victorious and showed off their two fingers, still intact. Historian Juliet Barker quotes Jean Le Fevre (who fought on the English side at Agincourt) as saying that Henry V included a reference to the French cutting off longbowmen's fingers in his pre-battle speech.[21] If this is correct it confirms that the story was around at the time of Agincourt, although it does not necessarily mean that the French practised it, just that Henry found it useful for propaganda, and it does not show that the two-fingered salute is derived from the hypothetical behaviour of English archers at that battle.
The first definitive known reference to the V sign in French is in the works of François Rabelais, a sixteenth-century satirist.[22]
It was not until the start of the 20th century that clear evidence of the use of insulting V sign in England became available, when in 1901 a worker outside Parkgate ironworks in Rotherham used the gesture (captured on the film) to indicate that he did not like being filmed.[23] Peter Opie interviewed children in the 1950s and observed in The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren that the much older thumbing of the nose (cock-a-snook) had been replaced by the V sign as the most common insulting gesture used in the playground.[12]
Desmond Morris discussed various possible origins of the V sign in Gestures: Their Origins and Distribution (published 1979), and came to no definite conclusion:
because of the strong taboo associated with the gesture (its public use has often been heavily penalized). As a result, there is a tendency to shy away from discussing it in detail. It is "known to be dirty" and is passed on from generation to generation by people who simply accept it as a recognized obscenity without bothering to analyse it... Several of the rival claims are equally appealing. The truth is that we will probably never know...
—Desmond Morris.[12]

-- Source Credit

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Vietnamese V Sign/越南二指禪

Vietnamese V Sign/越南二指禪

As the number of Vietnamese immigrants increases in Taiwan, there are sometimes scary scenes in addition to enrichment of local culture/來自越南的新臺灣人越來越多。在欣賞越南特色之餘,有時也會碰上觸目驚心的場面:



I do not think they know the meaning of this gesture.

-- Source Credit

According to Wikipedia:

V sign as an insult

The insulting version of the gesture (with the palm inwards) is often compared to the offensive gesture known as "the finger". The "two-fingered salute", also known as "The Longbowman Salute", "the two" and as "The Tongs" in the West of Scotland and "the forks" in Australia,[6] is commonly performed by flicking the V upwards from wrist or elbow. The V sign, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England,[7] and later in the rest of the United Kingdom; however, this is quite untrue in America where it is used as a peace symbol; its use is largely restricted to the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.[1] It is frequently used to signify defiance (especially to authority), contempt, or derision.[8]
As an example of the V sign (palm inward) as an insult, on November 1, 1990, The Sun, a British tabloid, ran an article on its front page with the headline "Up Yours, Delors" next to a large hand making a V sign protruding from a Union flag cuff. The Sun urged its readers to stick two fingers up at then President of the European Commission Jacques Delors, who had advocated an EU central government. The article attracted a number of complaints about its alleged racism, but the now defunct Press Council rejected the complaints after the editor of The Sun stated that the paper reserved the right to use vulgar abuse in the interests of Britain.[9][10]
For a time in the UK, "a Harvey (Smith)" became a way of describing the insulting version of the V sign, much as "the word of Cambronne" is used in France, or "the Trudeau salute" is used to describe theone-fingered salute in Canada. This happened because, in 1971, show-jumper Harvey Smith was disqualified for making a televised V sign to the judges after winning the British Show Jumping Derby atHickstead. (His win was reinstated two days later.)[11]
Harvey Smith pleaded that he was simply using a Victory sign, a defence also used by other figures in the public eye.[12] Sometimes foreigners visiting the countries mentioned above use the "two-fingered salute" without knowing it is offensive to the natives, for example when ordering two beers in a noisy pub, or in the case of the United States president George H. W. Bush, who, while touring Australia in 1992, attempted to give a "peace sign" to a group of farmers in Canberra—who were protesting about U.S. farm subsidies—and instead gave the insulting V sign.[13]
Also, in the opening credits for a number of seasons of Buffy the Vampire SlayerSpike, who is British, is shown using the V sign as an insult to Xander Harris in a scene from the episode Hush.
On April 3, 2009, Scottish football players Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor were permanently banned from the Scottish national squad for showing the V sign while sitting on the bench during the game against Iceland. Both players were in their hotel bar drinking alcohol after the Scottish defeat to Holland until around 11 am the next morning, meaning that both of the players breached the SFA discipline code before the incident as well, but the attitude shown by the V sign was considered to be so rude that the SFA decided never to include these players in the national line-up again.[14][15] Ferguson also lost the captaincy of Rangers as a result of the controversy.[16]
Steve McQueen the late American actor gives a British (knuckles outward) V sign in the closing scene in 1970s motorsport movie 'Le Mans'. A still picture of the gesture was also recorded by photographer Nigel Snowdon and has become an iconic image of both McQueen and the 24 hours of Le Mans.
Eric Young a TV news anchor in New Zealand was accidentally broadcast flashing the V sign to a producer off screen after a report on a Rugby match between Auckland and Counties Manukau.[17][18]


An early recorded use of the "two-fingered salute" is in the Macclesfield Psalter of c.1330 (in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge), being made by a glove in the Psalter’s marginalia.[7]
According to a popular legend, the two-fingered salute or V sign derives from the gestures of longbowmen fighting in the English army at the Battle of Agincourt (1415) during the Hundred Years' War.[7][19]According to the story, the French claimed that they would cut off the arrow-shooting fingers of all the English and Welsh longbowmen after they had won the battle at Agincourt.[20] But the English came out victorious and showed off their two fingers, still intact. Historian Juliet Barker quotes Jean Le Fevre (who fought on the English side at Agincourt) as saying that Henry V included a reference to the French cutting off longbowmen's fingers in his pre-battle speech.[21] If this is correct it confirms that the story was around at the time of Agincourt, although it does not necessarily mean that the French practised it, just that Henry found it useful for propaganda, and it does not show that the two-fingered salute is derived from the hypothetical behaviour of English archers at that battle.
The first definitive known reference to the V sign in French is in the works of François Rabelais, a sixteenth-century satirist.[22]
It was not until the start of the 20th century that clear evidence of the use of insulting V sign in England became available, when in 1901 a worker outside Parkgate ironworks in Rotherham used the gesture (captured on the film) to indicate that he did not like being filmed.[23] Peter Opie interviewed children in the 1950s and observed in The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren that the much older thumbing of the nose (cock-a-snook) had been replaced by the V sign as the most common insulting gesture used in the playground.[12]
Desmond Morris discussed various possible origins of the V sign in Gestures: Their Origins and Distribution (published 1979), and came to no definite conclusion:
because of the strong taboo associated with the gesture (its public use has often been heavily penalized). As a result, there is a tendency to shy away from discussing it in detail. It is "known to be dirty" and is passed on from generation to generation by people who simply accept it as a recognized obscenity without bothering to analyse it... Several of the rival claims are equally appealing. The truth is that we will probably never know...
—Desmond Morris.[12]

-- Source Credit

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