
Thursday 31 December 2009






我一家至親十一口都死在共匪暴政之下,你一定以為我恨透了這不共戴天的血海深仇,是的,我恨透了他們!復仇的烈火支持著我才能忍受這麼大的痛苦折磨。但是我還有更痛恨的仇人。吃人的老虎固然可恨,但是把別人送往老虎口裏的那個人更可恨;燒死人的火坑固然可怕,但是推別人下火坑的那個人更可怕;咬死人的毒蛇固然歹毒,但是把毒蛇放進你被窩裏的那個人比毒蛇更歹毒。是誰把我們送往老虎口裏?是誰把我們推下火坑?是誰把毒蛇放進我們的被窩裏?是他!就是他!是那些民主鬥士和偉大盟邦。…… (以下內容太悽慘,故略過。)








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Sunday 27 December 2009

7-11 Party/賢明門市開運慈善音樂會

7-11 Party/賢明門市開運慈善音樂會

December 26, 2009

A 7-11 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan held an outdoor concert/charity auction on the street in front of the store. The artists are young ladies and gentlemen from the neighbourhood.

This stage is a relative of the following transformer:
呆得粉口愛滴Open舞: Donations from good neighbours/好厝邊們捐獻的義賣品: Backstage: Console for the projector: 紀子涵綠鋼琴: 郭芯妤: 胡茗雯-卡巴烈夫斯基小奏鳴曲/白色情侶: 任思倩 - 水邊的阿地麗娜、夢中的婚禮 指揮交通: 海角七號配樂配阿明跟大姐不用裝就粉口愛滴大頭: 陳雅婷-蕭邦/夢幻即興曲: 林冠朋-愛的克麗斯汀: 楊子瑀-古老的大鐘: 手語歌: 李狄擎-龍貓: 檢視較大的地圖 Since May 7, 2010: free counters






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TaKao City Park/打狗都會公園

KaohsiungTa-Kao City Park/高雄打狗都會公園

December 26, 2009

Sun Dial/日晷

It was about 10:35./當時大約是10:35



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TaKao City Park/打狗都會公園

KaohsiungTa-Kao City Park/高雄打狗都會公園

December 26, 2009

Sun Dial/日晷

It was about 10:35./當時大約是10:35



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Friday 25 December 2009

Water Power/水力

Water Power/水力

Sa Pa, Lao Cai, Viet Nam, October 20, 2009

I guess these are the mechenism for removing the shell from the grain of rice.

Related Article/延伸閱讀:
Wind Power/風鼓

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Taiwanese Hand Puppet Show

Before the invasion of movies, TV, and Internet, the big entertainment in Taiwan are hand puppet show and Taiwanese Opera. The stages are set in the court yard of Daoist/Buddist temples. In addition to regular festivals, sometimes, some rich people would sponsor the shows as a token of gratitude to Gods. In those temples, as people beg the Gods to grant them their wishes, they would also promised the Gods in advance the "price". The most comment way are sponsoring the shows. There have been unconventional ways, such as playing a beggar for one day.

After the introduction of the idiot box, both shows migrate to the stage over the radio waves. Once the hand puppet show became so popular the KMT government banned the show, claiming it affected the "national" productivity.

The shows these days are truly for the Gods, as there are very few human audiences. The performer becomes lazy. Back in those good old days, in addition to live bands, there are also special effects in the back stage. I had seen folks banging gun power to simulate the sound of punches. These days, most of the hand puppet shows plays tapes instead.

The following clip was taken in the evening of the Moon Festival in 2009. There were only one audience other than I.

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Wednesday 23 December 2009

Sung Than Cong: Bite Me! Encore/阮朝的天子之劍

Sung Than Cong: Bite Me! Encore/阮朝的天子之劍

Citadel, Hue, Vietnam/越南順化阮朝故宮
More about 越南

「大砲 Sung Than Cong


According to the guide book above, on page 130, it reads:

"Cannon Sung Than Cong

There are 9 cannons inside the citadel. They were built in 1803, symbolizing the four seasons. It took one year to build. The four cannons at the east symbolizes the four seasons, the five at the west the Chinese five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The reference is engraved at the base."


It was dusk when I found these cannons. I only had time for the "four seaons", but not the "five elements." I did not find the base, but I recognize the reference. This is another defiant middle finger to China. Another claim to the throne of the world.

The reference is from a story from a Chinese Daoist book: Zhuang Zi (aka Chuang Tzu). Some scholars suspect that that chapter was faked by later folks. In that story, there was a war lord who appreciated the art of fencing. He had swordsmen dueling at his court days and nights. The casualty was mounting, and the country weaken. The crown prince seek councel from a Daoist philosopher: Zhuang Zi. He told the lord that he had three swords to offer. One was for the Heavenly Child (King of the World) another for war lords, and the other for peasants. He managed to convince the war lord by questioning him why he wield the peasants' sword while he had the chance to wield the Heavenly Child's. His description to the Heavenly Child's swords included "wrapped in the four seasons" and "controled by the five elements."

The Vietnamese emperor was proclaiming these nine cannons were parts of his "sword" of Heavenly Child by naming his cannons as "four seaons" and "five elements."

The weight of this cannon

Inside the barrel/砲口內

Related Article/延伸閱讀:
Bite Me!/九鼎:咬我啊!

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