
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Unboxing Tabliving TLTV-E1 Android Miracast 智慧電視棒 (補)開箱文

Unboxing Tabliving TLTV-E1 Android Miracast 智慧電視棒 (補)開箱文

(Ridiculously) humongous packaging./進擊的外包裝

我們的測試工程師在17Life敗的,現在在狗罵雞有賣。其實他敗了已經有兩週了,所以是補開箱分享文,而非正港開箱文。記得有附 micro USB 線,但是分不出哪一條是這鍋附帶的了。還有附一小條雙面膠。

It has been two weeks since this unit's arrival. Hence this article is more about review than unboxing. I remember this unit came with a micro USB cable. However, I am not able to identify exactly which one from my pile of collection. There was also a piece of sticker for attaching the unit to display.
Mini HDMI port and micro USB port. The later can be used as power source or for using the unit as a memory key. This can be a mean for copying multimedia files to the unit.

Mini HDMI 埠與 micro USB 埠。後者可用來做電源線或連結電腦,將電視棒作隨身碟使用:可以將多媒體檔傳到電視棒上。

Standard USB port. Can be used with (wireless) input devices such as keyboard and/or mouse.

標準 USB 埠。可用來連接輸入設備,如:(無線)鍵盤、滑鼠。


Summary: The only pro is the low cost. Questionable quality and service. Risk of privacy if service required. Low value.

-- Source Credit

上圖中的 App,如 PPTV, PPS, YouTube 等,都不是預裝,只是空界面。點選後,會進入 Google Play,引導安裝。

號稱4G,但那是總容量,尚需扣除系統、App。實際可用容量約 2G。

Above apps, such as PPTV, PPS, and YouTube are not preloaded. When our tester clicked on them, he was redirected to Google Play for installation.

The specification claims 4G of storage. However, this figure includes the system and apps. Hence the available storage space is about 2G only.

  1. 沒有內建 HDMI 插頭,需自備 mini HDMI 線。
  2. 沒有 micro SD 插槽。無法擴充。

比如說,這鍋看起來就還不錯:7吋多核心Android 4.1 子母畫面平板電腦8G(純規格比較,未經測試。也需自備HDMI線,但規格較高,且具平板功能。)

Cons compared with similar products:
  1. Without male HDMI interface. A mini HDMI cable is required.
  2. No micro SD slot.

  1. 無法安裝 YouTube App:
    安裝時,會被要求安裝 Google 服務。安裝 Google 服務會失敗。
    求助客服,答案是『再安裝完youtube, 系統被要求裝google play時,不用去理會 ,可直接使用。』
    但其實仍無法使用 YouTube App。結果是根本無法使用 YouTube App。最後自己改用瀏覽器直接瀏覽 解決。
  2. 無法重設系統:
    求助客服,答案是:『一般在設定功能內恢復原廠,系統會尋問所有資料會洗掉,同意才reset (這功能不建議使用),因出廠前有先裝一些中文輸入法等APP.』

  1. Failed to install YouTube App:
    Installation failed because the installation of Google Service is a prerequisite.
    The installation of Google Service failed because of user conflict.
    The response of customer service was "Ignore the warning, do not install Google Servide and just use YouTube."
    However, YouTube still fail to run.
    Workaround: use the browser to access
  2. Cannot reset/restore factory default:
    Even after attempting to restore system to factory default through "setup," the tester's google account and wifi setting stays after reboot.
    The response from customer service was "Because there are preloaded apps, such as Chinese input method, restoring to factory default is not recommended."
    Our tester insisted on resetting, and told the customer service that he care not Chinese input method and other preloaded apps. Then the communication was dead.
    The next day, our tester wrote again, stating that he wished prompt solution of the problem, as there is a 7 day grace period for unconditional refund in Taiwan for online shopping.
    The response from the customer service was "Our software engineer is working on this problem. As soon as we have an answer, we are going to let you know. Meanwhile, you may go ahead with the refund if you have any concern."
    That was the last thing we heard from Tabliving.
    Our ex-sales friend says when he was a salesperson, that was their line for not dealing with the problem.

  1. 因無法重設系統,所以品質值得疑慮。
  2. 因客服在鑑賞期內都無法提出解決方案,可見服務品質也令人懷疑。

  1. The quality of the product is questionable, as there is no known method to reset the system.
  2. The quality of the customer service is also questionable, as they are not able to solve the problems even during the 7 day refund grace period.

Our tester decided not to refund, for concern of privacy. Had he known about above facts, he would not have made the purchase.

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