
Friday 15 April 2011

私房菜:Potato Salad Recipe/馬鈴薯沙拉

私房菜:Potato Salad Recipe/馬鈴薯沙拉

This dish is my creation originated from modifying a Canadian mom's recipe.

  1. Eggs: 3
  2. Potatos: 3-4, depends on size and preference
  3. Celery: 1-2 sticks
  4. Carrot: 0.5-1 sticks
  5. Onion: one half
  6. Tuna: 1 can, in water preferred
  7. Bacon: 1-2 stripes
  8. Mayonnaise the original recipe uses Miracle Whip
  9. Salt & Pepper
  1. Boil or steam potatoes
  2. Boil eggs: I hate hard boiled eggs, but soft boiled eggs are not suitable for salad. I prefer to cook it just past the point of being gooey.
  3. Dice the celery. Use a peeler to make carrot flakes
  4. Dice potatoes: do not mix in the veggies, YET!
  5. Peel and dice the eggs
  6. Slice the bacon stripes
  7. Place bacon in a dry frying pan without oil, turn on the burner to medium heat, and fry bacon till crispy
  8. Pour bacon AND bacon fat over diced potatoes and mix well
  9. Throw in veggies, mayonnaise, salt and pepper, and mix well
  10. Throw in diced eggs, and mix well
  11. Dig in
  1. Make your own fresh mayo with better oil such as extra virgin olive oil
  2. Add your other favourite spices. I love Paprika
  3. Add other meat such as shrimps, lobsters, or chicken
  4. Sculpt carrot flakes into shapes 
  1. Instead of mixing in the eggs, slice and place on top
Serving Suggestions:
  1. Scoop it, and stuff directly into faces
  2. Baguette sandwich: consider adding other goodies such as lettuce, tomato, cheese
  3. For potluck, top crackers and place on a sheet of aluminum foil
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  1. 雞蛋: 3
  2. 馬鈴薯: 3-4, 因大小及個人喜好而異
  3. 西洋芹: 1-2 根
  4. 胡蘿蔔: 0.5-1 根
  5. 洋蔥:半個
  6. 鮪魚: 1 罐。浸水的比較好。浸油的也行,但比較膩。
  7. 培根: 1-2 片
  8. 美乃茲:隨意。個人偏好偏甜的臺式白醋。
  9. 鹽、黑胡椒
  1. 蒸或煮熟馬鈴薯
  2. 煮蛋:我很討厭老蛋,但是溏心蛋拌在沙拉裡,會變得膏膏的,有點噁
  3. 西洋芹切小塊,用削皮刀削胡蘿蔔薄片
  4. 馬鈴薯切小塊:先別跟蔬菜拌在一起
  5. 剝蛋殼,切小塊。不要小到讓蛋失踪,這樣嚼起來沒有層次感
  6. 培根切小細條
  7. 乾煎培根爆出油。煎到培根變乾脆
  8. 將培根連油倒到馬鈴薯上,拌勻
  9. 放入蔬菜、美乃茲、鹽、黑胡椒,拌勻
  10. 放入雞蛋,拌勻。太早放入雞蛋,會碎到失去層次感。
  11. 享用
  1. 用好油自製新鮮沙拉醬,如初榨橄欖油或葡萄籽油
  2. 選用其他香料:零北愛匈牙利紅椒(Paprika)。撒在上頭不拌進去,還可以增色
  3. 增/改用其他魚、肉,如蝦、蟹、龍蝦、雞肉等。臺灣人多貴翅、腿,甚至背,而賤雞胸肉。如此可以買全雞,而將胸肉留作這道菜
  4. 胡蘿蔔片雕花
  1. 不將蛋拌進沙拉中,而放在上面。如此可以考慮用溏心蛋
  2. 改用鹹鴨蛋:還沒試過,還在創意構思階段
  1. 大嘴直送
  2. 法國長棍三明治:考慮加生菜、番茄、奶酪等其他好康
  3. 因為冷盤不怕冷,不像熱菜會因為冷掉而減色,很適合到外面聚餐時帶,還可以預先準備。聚餐時,可以小坨放在蘇打餅乾上。桌上鋪張鋁箔,就可以少洗、少帶盤子。散場時還可以用鋁箔打包別人帶的好康。

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